

InTAD is the Technology Research Team Applied to Dance. It is made up of researchers Romina Bernardi, María José García, Daniela Lieban, Laura Paolino, Juan Carlos Ramayo, and Maximiliano Wille. It is directed by Aníbal Néstor Zorrilla. It is part of the Red Isadora Latina network.

This team intends to investigate the ways in which scenic creations, whether choreographic or performing theatrical in a broad sense, incorporate interactive digital technologies, and transformations in the conception and use of the body and space in the works arising from this incorporation .

Although the research includes theoretical aspects, the objective is artistic creation, the realization of works through which to experience the procedures, possibilities, perspectives and conditions for the use of interactive digital technology in the scene.

For that, since 2011 we have carried out different workshops, in our National University of the Arts, in other universities, in cultural centers, museums, educational and professional training centers, which are not programming courses in Isadora, but areas for artistic creation . These workshops address the necessary tools of the programming environment to allow attendees to perform a performance based on their employment, with the degree of development that the workshop time allows.

A particular type of workshops are our Residences, which consist of an intensive workshop that takes place in a special location, which can be a museum, a cultural center or similar institutions, and that last five or six days of six hours a day. The objective is the creation of site-specific performances that occupy the spaces offered and are exposed in a final exhibition open to the public.

We also do a Laboratory in which we monitor and offer a space for exchanging knowledge and experiences to pre-existing or expressly trained groups, which also end in a sample, in general more elaborated since the groups have more development time.

Another activity is the participation and organization of academic events, such as conferences, meetings, talks and dissemination actions.

Since we started our activities we publish a blog that we keep updated, in which you can consult all our activities.


The Workshop consists of the approach of interactive digital technology for the scene through the Isadora software.

Isadora software is a graphical programming environment that provides interactive control over digital media, with special emphasis on real-time manipulation of digital video. It collects the movement information received by different types of sensors to manipulate digital video, music synthesizers and lights among others. It is a program that has been almost twenty years since its first version, and throughout this period it has evolved, expanded and improved its functional and operational possibilities.

It has been used for performing, theatrical, choreographic and musical shows, in addition to works conceived within the new interactive art that this type of tools allows, such as interactive image and sound installations and virtual scenographies, among others. It is one of the tools with which the Research Team in Technology Applied to Dance, InTAD is carrying out the Research Project accredited in the Incentives Program ‘Natural User Interfaces in Interactive Dance Devices.’

More information here.