Dear friends, thank you all for joining us this year. For our InTAD team and the Red Isadora Latina it was a year with many accomplishments, starting with the Seminar at AREA 623 in February. In March we were in Bariloche with the Workshop “Tecnología Digital Interactiva para la Escena – Laberintos Borgeanos”, organized by MediaLab Artes del Fuego, the INVAP Foundation and the extension department of the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, UNRN, a workshop that culminated in the exhibition “Ni Anverso Ni Reverso”, in the Estudio en Blanco, by Fedra Roberto.

For the third consecutive year we organized jointly with the Centro de Arte Sonoro, (Sound Art Center), CASo, the Laboratorio de Tecnología Multimedia Interactiva para la Danza y la Performance (Interactive Multimedia Technology Laboratory for Dance and Performance), this time in Manzana de las Luces, which resulted in the “Memoria de las Luces” exhibition, in July and “Solsticio Porteño” in December, in which more than thirty artists from various disciplines participated. As part of the Laboratory we invite Fabián Kesler to give his practical seminar Teléfonos Inteligentes Resignificados (Resignified Smartphones).

Also as every year since 2013 we did the workshop “La Tecnología Multimedia Interactiva en la Escena. Software Isadora” (Interactive Multimedia Technology on the Stage. Isadora Software) in the Área Transdepartamental de Artes Multimediales (Transdepartmental Area of Multimedia Arts) of our Universidad Nacional de las Artes.

Organized jointly with the Centro de Arte Sonoro, (Sound Art Center), CASo, and the Manzana de las Luces we carry out the V Residencia Artística en Tecnología Interactiva (V Artistic Residence in Interactive Technology) at the headquarters of the historic complex. As always culminated with a exhibition, “De Corporalidades Interactivas” (Interactive Corporalities), all in the month of August.

At the end of the same month we traveled to Mar del Plata, to do the Workshop “Entornos de Programación Visual para las Artes Escénicas, Software Isadora” (Visual Programming Environments for the Performing Arts, Isadora Software) at the Center of Art and Science of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (National Technological University), Regional Mar del Plata.

In October we were in Paraná doing a Taller de Tecnología Interactiva para la Escena (Interactive Technology Workshop for the Scene) in the Seminar of Management of Cultural Sectors belonging to the Technique in Cultural Management, Faculty of Education Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (National University of Entre Ríos).

Several members of our team and attendees at our workshops presented works where interactive digital technology is used on the scene through the Isadora visual programming environment. Georgina Blum presented “Las Pisadas de los que se Fueron Están Aquí” (The Footsteps of Those Who Were Are Here) and Javier López Actis “Cuerpos # Máquinas” (Bodies # Machines). In the Alianza Francesa (French Alliance), within the framework of the Digital November, Ángela Babuin, Gabriela Baldoni and Tatiana Sandoval presented Femmes Sauvages. Ángela, Gabriela and Julia Mann Ingerflom form the Femmes Sauvages group. On this occasion, they invited the stage director Tatiana Sandoval to add her eyes to the project.

Laura Lorena Feijoó, Andrea Rossi, Dani Morone and Maja Patiño Yancomay made “LIMBO sublimadas”, Aníbal Zorrilla made the programming in Isadora of the work “Corpórica”, by Liliana Tasso, and finally Laura Paolino, Romina Bernardi, Maximiliano Wille and Carla Berdichevsky premiered the first work born entirely within our team, SINAPSIS (campo voltaico).

Next year we start very welll: an intensive workshop in February by Maximiliano Wille, “Software Isadora. Entornos de Programación Visual para las Artes” (Software Isadora. Visual Programming Environments for the Arts) and three workshops in Europe by Aníbal Zorrilla, one in Madrid, another in Rome and another in Barcelona. For the fourth consecutive year we will call artists from all disciplines to participate in our Laboratory and we will make two exhibitions, one in July and one in November. We will also do the VI Residence, we will return to Paraná, Mar del Plata, and several other locations that we still cannot confirm.

And we will participate in two multidisciplinary projects, one with Max Ciogli, MusiCroma; the other with Silvia Barrios in BIORrges, “Laberintos Borgeanos” Media Lab Artes del Fuego. We count on you, and we wish you happy new year!